June 2024

Tobi presented some of the group's latest work on sc-eQTLs at #ESHG24 and won the Lodewijk Sandkuijl Award for best talk in complex disease and statistical genetics! Congrats Tobi!

May 2024

This world IBD day we're announcing OpenIBD - a multi-omic study to uncover the drivers of IBD onset and severity. Find out more about it here

March 2024

Omar has successfully passed his viva making him the 11th graduate of the Anderson lab! He wrote a fantastic PhD thesis and we're delighted he'll be staying on in the group as a postdoc!

February 2024

Laura and Alex present work from the IBDGC genotyping group and sequencing team, respectively at #ECCO2024

November 2023

The Anderson group with a strong showing at #ASHG23. Laura and Alex hosted a workshop on UKBB together then separately moderated the sessions on autoimmune conditions and sequencing studies, respectively. Additionally Laura and Tobi also had posters on their own research

October 2023

Somatic mutations do not play a role in the skin condition psoriasis as we demonstrate in a collaboration with cancer, ageing and somatic mutation programme here at Sanger. This was work conducted during Sigurgeir's PhD and more information can be found here.

March 2023

Carl has been offered the role as interim head of the Human Genetics programme at the Sanger for the next 18 months. In the team we're all certain he'll do an excellent a job leading the programme, as he does leading our group - congrats!

February 2023

Tobi receives a “Young Investigator Best Poster Presentation Prize” for his poster single cell eQTL mapping in healthy and Crohn’s at #ICHG2023. Well done Tobi!

February 2023

Monika, Omar and Tobi attend #ICHG2023 in Cape Town with the following talks/posters:
Monika - Large scale single-cell RNA-sequncing yields insights into Crohn's disease biology
- Alternative splicing in iPSC-derived macrophages
- Single-cell eQTLs in healthy and Crohn's afflicted terminal ileum

February 2023

We've launched our website's blog with a fantastic piece for Women in Science day - check it out and learn about the great scientific work done by the women in our team!

November 2022

Omar and Tobi presented posters at Gene Expression and Signalling in the Immune System in Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories.


October 2022

Our third year PhD student Tobi was chosen to star in a careers video for secondary school children - it came out great! See the video here

Our massive exome sequencing study finds new Crohn's gene

August 2022

In a collaboration between the Sanger and Broad Institutes, variants in 10 genes have been associated with Crohn's disease. Alex is first author and more information can be found here.

February 2022

Four members of the group made an appearance at #ECCO2022. Well done to Monika, Qian, Rofaida and Laura! 

A star in our midst

January 2022

Michelle receives a "Star for Science" from the WGC for her contributions to education and public engagement. Well done Michelle!

Laura discusses IBD genetics at IBD Edinburgh 2022

January 2022

IBD Edinburgh 2022 touches on all aspects of IBD from the bench to the bedside and Laura Fachal was invited as the event's IBD genetics expert. She presented upcoming GWAS meta-analysis and was on the expert panel.

Omar wins Charles J. Epstein Trainee Award!

November 2021

After an excellent talk on splicing QTLs, Omar El Garwany was awarded the Charles J. Epstein Trainee Awards for Excellence in Human Genetics Research by the ASHG awards committee!
This is an excellent accomplishment so early in your PhD and well-earned! We're all delighted for you, Omar!

Mosaic Vitruvian man makes Trends in Genetics Cover

October 2021

Sigurgeir's somatic mosaic Vitruvian man was chosen for the cover of this month's issue of Trends in Genetics. Within the issue is a review on the role of somatic mutations in complex disease by Sigurgeir and Carl, it can be read here.

Five group members feature at ASHG 2021

September 2021

The Anderson group has a strong showing at #ASHG2021, be sure to check out the following talks and posters:
Nikos - Genetics effects on expression upon immune stimulation in iPSC-derived macrophages enhance the discovery of putative causal disease genes.
Monika - Interpreting Genome-Wide Association Studies through the lens of single-cell sequencing
Omar - Splicing QTLs in iPSC-derived macrophages improve our understanding of complex disease
Sigurgeir - Whole-exome sequencing of hundreds of microbiopsies reveals the somatic evolutionary landscape of psoriatic skin
Laura - Expanded genome-wide association study of IBD identifies novel loci and
implicates new genes in disease susceptibility

Qian at ECCO 2021

July 2021

One of our group’s latest results based on samples from UK IBD BioResource will be presented at #ECCO21. Qian Zhang will show the impact of phenotypic and genetic factors on Crohn’s disease (CD) evolution and introduce a reliable predictor of disease evolution.

Digestive Disease Week 2021

April 2021

Some of the latest results from our group's work as part of the International IBD Genetics Consortium will be presented at #DDW2021. Laura Fachal will present novel findings from expanded GWAS of IBD.  80 new risk loci found for IBD, effector genes identified from coding and non-coding susceptibility variants, with overlap with VEO-IBD genes. And work which Alex Sazonovs contributed to, WES of Crohn's disease patients, will be shared too.

Our Genomics Lite star

April 2021

As part of the Wellcome Genome Campus's public engagement efforts, Menna was invited to give a Genomics Lite lecture aimed at secondary schools. The talk was attended by over 100 students and teachers and is available on Youtube. For her exemplary contribution, Menna received a 'Stars for Science' award from the WGC!

March 2021

The BBC were lucky enough to get the opportunity to interview our very own Ewan Harrison. Ewan has been on secondment to COG-UK as part of the Sanger’s contribution to the UK national SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing consortium. Ewan's work has been crucial to the UK and worldwide efforts to track and control the pandemic. If you are interested, the entire interview can be found here.

Promotion for Laura!

March 2021

Laura Fachal, previously our senior data scientist, has been promoted to senior staff scientist! In her new role she will be drawing together research from across the team and elsewhere in an effort to develop the ultimate GWAS machine. We are thrilled to see her getting the recognition she deserves and hope to keep her as part of the team for many more years.

Martin's PhD defence is successful!

March 2021

Massive congratulations to Martin from everyone in Team Anderson! Thesis submitted, viva defended and we’re sure great things lie ahead for our latest soon-to-be graduated student.

Rebecca McIntyre promoted

February 2021

Our long-serving senior staff scientist has received a well-deserved promotion! Rebecca will be the first Principal Staff Scientist in the Sanger Human Genetics Programme. She will continue to influence the Anderson Lab's research directions and manage the group's experimental team, whilst also working more closely with Sanger Faculty and the Anderson Lab's extensive network of collaborators to generate large 'omics datasets that will drive IBD research forward.

Congratulations, Dr Bai!

January 2021

Following an excellent thesis and successful viva defence (with no corrections!), Ben is now Dr Bai! We are all very proud and wish him the best going forward.